Info regarding locotracteur MMR No 22

18 Aug 2015 15:34 #3902 von jmo

yes, we are very interested by a journal of the building of this small scene.

Kind regards,


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14 Aug 2015 13:28 #3900 von Tjalling

Thank you all very much for the answers!
This gives enough information to make a reasonable modell of the picture.

If desired, I can make a journal of the building of this small scene.

Kind regards,

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01 Jul 2015 16:12 #3855 von adminv15
Hei d'Äntwert vum Marcel Schlim:

"Die zwee Dieselen waren hell giel an haten keng gring Linnen wéi die aner vun Cockerill. Die Wagoen hun ech emmer ganz knaschteg gesinn duerfier kann ech weider naischt dozou soën. D'Foto misst nochmalerweis um Schlackentipp geknippst sinn"

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12 Jun 2015 14:45 - 13 Jun 2015 07:28 #3844 von jmo
Haten d' GE Lokotrakterën MMR No 21 + 22 vun der Rodanger Schmelz déi selwecht Farw (giel) wéi folgenden?

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Wou gouf déi ierwecht Foto op der Rodanger Schmelz gemach? bei der Ballastière?

Wéi eng Farw haten d'Waggoën? brong ewéi folgenden?

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D'Steng missten normal Héichuewenschlaacken sin, oder?

Villmols merci fir all weider Info!

bis dann,

Letzte Änderung: 13 Jun 2015 07:28 von jmo.

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10 Jun 2015 20:15 - 10 Jun 2015 20:32 #3837 von Tjalling
Info regarding locotracteur MMR No 22 wurde erstellt von Tjalling

First, let me introduce myself:
My name is Tjalling Ament, a 45 year old railway entousiast from the Netherlands. Unfortunaly, I am not fluent in Letzebuergesch, German or French, so i try English.

I have been active in preservation of industrial narrow gauge railways, so I know this site a very long time.

One picture in particular has drawn my attention a very long time:

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Nowadays I am just a modeller, and have decided to try to recreate this scene. I have found a kit of the loco, and a kit useful for the crane.

To create a nice modell, I would prefer to have information about the purpose of this train, and about the collor of the earth and stones that are loaded into the hopper, and about colors of the loco and the cars.

Is there anyone who can give some extra information about the trains and about the location where the picture is taken?

Many thanks in advance,

Letzte Änderung: 10 Jun 2015 20:32 von adminv15.

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