Export of Belgian locomotives of Saint-Léonard to Brazil

24 Apr 2017 14:32 #4719 von Marc Storms
Hello everyone,
I am doing research on the Belgium heritage in Brazil.
In relation to the overview of locomotives constructed by the Belgium Saint-Léonard on www.rail.lu/saintleonard.html - the folowing locs can be added: The sources of my research can be found at the webpages mentioned above.
A short description of Saint-Leonard (in Portuguese) is on belgianclub.com.br/pt-br/creator/soci%C3%A9t%C3%A9-anonyme-saint-l%C3%A9onard-1836-1927

I welcome more information on Belgian railway material exported to Brazil. An overview of what I have found until today is available on belgianclub.com.br/pt-br/material-ferroviario .

Thanks for your comments

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