Passenger Trains which are operated by CFL are obligated to have ETCS since now on (12/2017) Exceptions for Trains operated by SNCB and SNCF, who have to install ETCS on their trains until end 2019 (SNCF 24500, SNCB T13)
I was wondering about the current status of ETCS in Luxembourg. I remember articles saying in the end of 2017, ETCS should be activated (
). Is this the case right now or got the introduction delayed?
Moien Nadleeh,
10 3000 sinn genuch fir den Traffic an d'Belsch, ech mengen bis dohin waerten der nach méi équippéiert sinn, schlemmstefalls froen se fir e puer 1300 bei der SNCB ze kréien, daat maachen se jo schonn 1mol den Daag op der Linn 10 fir den IC Letzebuerg-Liers.
So in the implementation of ETCS on all the locomotives of the CFL still needs a lot of work. Is the deadline of end 2017 still reachable? And what about the intercity services between Luxembourg - Bruxelles and Luxembourg - Liège if there are not enough locomotives with ETCS?
Sou wait ech wees, sinn e besse bei wei 8-10 3000 equippéiert.
Bei den 4000 huet den initsch Recht. Nemmen d'4019 huet et installéiert, mee se dierf aawer net fueren. Dofir sollen um Enn vum Joer, wann all Maschinn vum Service Voyageur mat ETCS fueren soll, keng oder quasi keng 4000 fueren, dann ginn 3000 mat Dostoen, Ter 2N, z2 an dei nei Kissen dei desen Mount den Déngst ufänken sollen agesaat. D'4000 sinn do ganz staark a Verspéidung, mee se ginn dann aawer all zum Schluss vum Joer/iergendwann mol am nächsten Joer emgebaut, respektiv se ginn an den Gidderverkéier agesaat.
Hoffen dass ech hellefen konnt,
Actually several 3000 (+/- 8 or 10) are equipped with ETCS, and are also allowed to drive with it in Luxembourg & Belgium. They now have also TBL1+.
4000 and Dosto Driving Cabs, one of each is equipped, but not yet allowed to be activated. Should be done til end of the year (we will see)
2200 are all equipped, and are allowed to drive ETCS in Luxembourg and Belgium. For Belgium they have also TBL1+. For trains in direction France, some autorisations are stil missing. System has to be cut of befor Border.
Sorry for writing in English. Reading is no problem but as non-native is writing in difficult. I hope this is not a problem.
I was wondering how the introduction of ETCS/ERTMS in Luxembourg is progressing. Some documents stated that ETCS would be activated in June 2017, but I read
that this will be postponed till the end of this year. How is the equipment of ETCS on the rolling stock progressing?
There was also talk that the intercity service between Liers - Liège - Luxembourg will be performed with NMBS AM08 (Desiro ML) trains instead of the current NMBS I-10 coaches and CFL 3000 locomotive. However, it seems that the homologation of the AM08 encountered some problems. What will the future of this service be, since the CFL 3000 is the only locomotive which van operate on ETCS in Belgium and Luxembourg?
Also Z2 en hunn alleguer den ECTS deen och drop fonctionnéiert.
d?Kissen souwisou och...
Betreffend 2200er sin ca 8-10 engins équipéiert an di meescht sinn och aktif...(e puer net mee daat ass eng aaner geschicht...)
normalerweis soll all mount 1 motrice vun der série2200 färdeg ginn...
Hoffen dir gehollef ze hunn
Bis dann...
wat fir eng Maschinne si bei der CFL mëttlerweil eigentlech mam ETCS ausgerüst a fueren am Regelbetrib? Ech hunn héieren dass 2 oder 3 Duschoë well domatter fueren.
Ech hat déi Fro schon eng Kéier gestallt, mee ech mengen d'Äntferten dorop si scho längst net méi aktuell...