MidCargo gët CFL cargo Sverige

17 Feb 2012 16:15 - 17 Feb 2012 16:16 #726 von adminv15
MidCargo gët CFL cargo Sverige wurde erstellt von adminv15
MidCargo becomes CFL cargo Sverige

Esch-sur-Alzette / Nässjö, 17 February 2012 – CFL cargo SA and Svensk Tågkraft AB join forces to develop rail freight transport between Scandinavia and the rest of Europe through joint ownership of the Swedish rail freight company MidCargo AB.
CFL cargo is taking over 51% of the shares of MidCargo AB, which is headquartered in Nässjö and which, from this point forward, will be called CFL cargo Sverige AB. Theobjective of the new joint venture is to integrate the local activities of CFL cargo Sverige AB into the international network of CFL cargo and to extend its geographic reach. CFL cargo is now able to offer seamless cross-border traffics from Sweden to Denmark and beyond, using the Øresund link.
Fernand Rippinger, Chairman of the Board of Directors of CFL cargo Sverige and CEO of CFL cargo, states: “Thanks to our Swedish subsidiary, we can now extend our rail freight activities towards the north and add another Scandinavian country to our geographic range, which is an important factor when providing customized door-to-door services to our international customers”
Since its creation in 2006, just before the liberalization of rail freight in Europe, CFL cargo has been continuously developing its international activities across Europe. Over the course of the past years, CFL cargo has launched international traffics to/from Luxembourg, Germany, Denmark, Belgium, Holland, France, Switzerland, Italy, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary - in cooperation with its subsidiaries in Denmark, Germany and France.

MidCargo AB was created in 1990 as BK Tåg AB, in connection with the deregulation of the rail market in Sweden, and was the first private rail transport company that took over traffic from the national Swedish railways. In 1998, MidCargo started shuttle traffics in cooperation with Vänerexpressen as well as the ports of Karlstad and Gothenburg, and all partners have continuously developed MidCargo’s activities in the region.

About CFL cargo
CFL cargo was created by the merger of the freight department of the Luxembourg national rail company (Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Luxembourgeois) and the internal transport department of the Luxembourg production sites of ArcelorMittal.
With more than 440 employees, a fleet of more than 70 locomotives and 4000 wagons, CFL cargo offers customer-orientated services: whether it be regional or international freight transport, the rental of wagons, the formation of complete trains, the issuing of waybills or the maintenance of wagons.
Together with its subsidiaries - CFL cargo Deutschland, CFL cargo Danmark, CFL Fret Services France and Ateliers de Pétange - CFL cargo operates on the main European North-South and East-West routes.

About Svensk Tågkraft
Svensk Tågkraft is a privately owned company engaged in the railway industry. Svensk Tågkraft is engaged in activities such as maintenance, service, repair, rebuilding as well as leasing and sales of railway vehicles. In particular, Svensk Tågkraft has a service and maintenance workshop in Nässjö.
The owner is actively involved in both the operational as the strategic work within the company, which guarantees a long-term growth and good profitability. Svensk Tågkraft provides flexible and costeffective comprehensive solutions to its customers, thus delivering solutions that are economically as well as environmentally sustainable.
Letzte Änderung: 17 Feb 2012 16:16 von adminv15.

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